Fish Species

Cherry Blossom Discus

Cherry Blossom Discus - Description

The Cherry Blossom Discus is also known as the Common Discus and is a beautiful addition to any freshwater tropical aquarium. As its names suggests, it is round in shape and also laterally compressed making it appear almost flat.

Its beautiful red coloring can be made more vibrant and varies depending on the food and vitamins the fish is given. It is a peaceful fish but does require a large tank due to its size.

Popular Name: Cherry Blossom Discus
Species: Symphysodon aequifaciatus

Profile of the Cherry Blossom Discus

This Profile contains interesting facts and information about the Cherry Blossom Discus species.

  • Size: Up to 25cm

  • Fish Tank conditions: PH: 6.0 to 6.5. Temp: 25 to 29 Degrees

  • Diet / Feeding: Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms, Prefer live food

  • Temperament: Peaceful

  • Habitat: Rivers and Lakes in the Amazon Basin, South America

  • Behaviour: Good Community Fish but require a large tank

  • Range: Amazon Region, South America

Scientific Classification of the Cherry Blossom Discus

Definition: Scientific classification, or biological classification, is how biologists group and categorize species of organisms with shared physical characteristics. Scientific classification belongs to the science of taxonomy.

  • Species: Symphysodon aequifasciatus

  • Popular Name: Cherry Blossom Discus

  • Kingdom: Animalia

  • Phylum: Chordata

  • Class: Actinopterygii

  • Order: Perciformes

  • Family: Cichlidae

Discus Fish Index

Facts about Fish Species - Cherry Blossom Discus

The colours, shapes and sizes of individual fishes varies enormously - you really need excellent quality pictures or photographs to assist in the identification process.

A combination of the number of fins and their characteristics, color, scale counts, general features, maximum length and distribution are used during a species identification process.


The species detailed on this website are Tropical, Saltwater, Aquarium , Marine , Pet , Pond, Clown, Koi, Beta (Betta), Gold Fish (Goldfish), Star, Angel, Puffer, Discus, Piranha, Rainbow, Parrot, Crustaceans, Sea Anemones and Coral.

For more information and pictures of the Cherry Blossom Discus visit the
Full Fish Species Website

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