Fish Species

Piranha Fish

Piranha Fish Species
A Piranha, also spelt Pirana is a freshwater fish with a fearsome reputation! The Piranha is known in Venezuela as Caribes and are native to South America, in particular the Amazon river basin.

Piranhas are Omnivores which means that they eat both plants and animals. They have a single row of interlocking, tightly packed razor sharp teeth in each jaw which they use to puncture their prey and strip away the flesh.

Interesting Fish Species Information and Facts
The colours, shapes and sizes of individual fishes varies enormously - you really need excellent quality pictures or photographs to assist in the identification process. A combination of the number of fins and their characteristics, color, scale counts, general features, maximum length and distribution are used during a species identification process.

Red Bellied Piranha


Fish Facts
Did you know...

- Piranha fish are an omnivorous freshwater fish; they can eat both plants and animals

- Piranha fish have sensors along their body which they use to detect their prey

- In order to survive, a piranha fish will feed on another piranha, they are cannibals!

- Piranha fish are attracted by noise, splashing and blood!

Interesting Information and Facts - Why do different species have fins?

Fish usually have seven fins. Each of the fins on a fish are designed to perform a specific function:

Dorsal fins - The dorsal fin is located on the backs of fishes. Dorsal fins lend stability in swimming

Ventral fins - The ventral fin is located on the pelvic area of fishes. Ventral fins lend stability in swimming

Caudal fins - The Caudal fin is located on the tail area of fishes. Caudal fins propel through the water

Anal fins - The Anal fin is located on the anus area of fishes. Anal fins lend stability in swimming.

Pectoral fins - The Pectoral fin is located on the breast area of fishes. Pectoral fins are for locomotion and side to side movement

Adipose fins - The Adipose fin is an extra fleshy fin on the back behind the dorsal fin as in salmons, smelts, and lanterns to lend stability in swimming

Cephalic fins - The cephalic fin are the "horns" of manta rays and close relations

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