Fish Species

Sea Anemones

Sea Anemones

Sea Anemones are named after the Anemone flower. They are a predatory animal that releases a toxin to paralyse its prey. The prey is then moved into the anemones gastro vascular cavity. The poison secreted by a sea anemone affects fish and crustaceans. The Clown Fish or Anemonefish however has a mutually symbiotic relationship with the sea anemone, they are not affected by its poison and live among its tentacles, indeed laying their eggs on the anemone itself. The clownfish uses the sea anemone as a form of defence from larger predators.

Interesting Fish Species Information and Facts
The colours, shapes and sizes of individual fishes varies enormously - you really need excellent quality pictures or photographs to assist in the identification process. A combination of the number of fins and their characteristics, color, scale counts, general features, maximum length and distribution are used during a species identification process.


Sea Anemone Facts
Did you know...

-The sea anemone has only one opening which acts as their mouth and anus!

- Many sea anemone attach themselves to hermit crabs

- Sea Anemones remain in the same place and will only move if the water conditions are not suitable or they are attacked

- Sea Anemones have a mutual symbiotic relationship with the Clown Fish

Facts about Fish Species
Did The colours, shapes and sizes of individual fishes varies enormously - you really need excellent quality pictures or photographs to assist in the identification process. A combination of the number of fins and their characteristics, color, scale counts, general features, maximum length and distribution are used during a species identification process. The species detailed on this website are Tropical, Saltwater, Aquarium , Marine , Pet , Pond, Clown, Koi,
Beta (Betta), Gold Fish (Goldfish), Star, Angel, Puffer, Discus, Piranha, Rainbow, Parrot, Crustaceans, Sea Anemones and Coral..

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