Fish Species

Angel Fish

Angel Fish Species
Freshwater Angelfish are a very popular tropical fish and are an extremely attractive addition to any aquarium. They are available in a range of colours and their appearance can be marbled, striped or plain. They use their long anal and dorsal fins for balance. Angelfish are part of the Cichlids family of fishes and are native to South America.

Angelfish can be a very territorial fish and are not recommended for the beginner as they are difficult to feed and sensitive to poor water conditions. Angelfish are very sought after and can be a very expensive fish to purchase.

Interesting Angel Fish Species Information and Facts
The colours, shapes and sizes of individual fishes varies enormously - you really need excellent quality pictures or photographs to assist in the identification process. A combination of the number of fins and their characteristics, color, scale counts, general features, maximum length and distribution are used during a species identification process.


Fish Facts
Did you know...

- Angelfish will breed for life. If one of the pair dies, the other will not breed again!

- Angelfish are mid tank dwellers, an important consideration when choosing other species for your aquarium

- Try to add at least six angelfish to your aquarium, three or five is not a good number as angels like to pair up and adding an odd amount can lead to aggression

- Fish do not have vocal chords but they can make sounds! The Oyster toadfish for example uses its swim bladder to produce a loud wailing sound which has been compared to the sound of a foghorn!

- Anableps are known as four-eyed fish! In fact they only have two eyes but each eye has two pupils so they can see above and below the water a the same time

- Fish do not have vocal cords but they can make sounds! For example the Oyster toadfish uses its swim bladder to produce a wailing sound which is comparable to the sound made by a foghorn!

Angelfish Picture

Facts about Fish Species

Did The colours, shapes and sizes of individual fishes varies enormously - you really need excellent quality pictures or photographs to assist in the identification process. A combination of the number of fins and their characteristics, color, scale counts, general features, maximum length and distribution are used during a species identification process. The species detailed on this website are Tropical, Saltwater, Aquarium , Marine , Pet , Pond, Clown, Koi,
Beta (Betta), Gold Fish (Goldfish), Star, Angel, Puffer, Discus, Piranha, Rainbow, Parrot, Crustaceans, Sea Anemones and Coral..

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